Went home with a feeling of excitement because I'll be seeing my nephew and my family as well. It was Holy week so most people were expected to stay at home until Black Saturday. As for Easter Sunday? Well, most families went out to enjoy the beach. Yipeee!!! I felt delighted to hear our family's plan to go out for a swim. :)
I've been loving the waters since I was young. And even if I am not a good swimmer (do I really know how to swim? :D), I always try my hardest to flip and paddle. :)
They call this place Land of Paradise.
First time boaters. :)
Tried to use the boat paddle but found it difficult at first. Lucky enough to find the perfect rhythm later on.
Found our way to see the turtles.
Blue was bone-tired but still had enough strength for a photoshoot.
My nephew Larken having fun at the children's pool.
Dearest Pap at the chest level pool.
All out smiles for a happy Easter Sunday. :)
It was getting dark and our family decided it was a wrap for us. My sister and I along with her friends took a pedicab to reach home while my parents and my brother drove their motorcycles. It was one tiresome but a happy Easter Sunday.
We were all dead-tired and everybody laid flat on bed with painted smiles. :):)